An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Big R

Responsibility. We believe in it pretty strongly around here. Our poor deprived children don't get the luxury of most children in this day and age who are indulged with every new electronic device that comes out. Our kids get an old console TV that is green half the time with no antenna, a DVD and VHS player that is off limits until school is done or they convince their mother that they really are sick, and up until the last few months no gaming devices until Trent and Cole bought a used X-box and games with money they had saved from working hard for neighbors and friends. We believe their childhood is better spent playing with goats and chickens and their brothers and sisters rather than watching little blinking lights together. And yes, they do have to walk uphill both ways to their home school. Ahem, didn't mean to get on that soap box. Just meant to brag up Alexis a little bit.

When these sweet little dumplings of ours prove themselves responsible we bend over backwards to help them achieve their dreams. Alexis loves, loves, loves to write (where in the world does she get that from?) and has filled up tablet after tablet of stories and journals. For close to a year she has been saving and putting money away to buy her very own laptop, and just this past week she was so excited to see the mail lady pull up into our driveway with a box with her name on it. Now our kids don't get allowance so the extra perseverance and patience and plain old hard work made this all the sweeter. And she even let me take her picture using it. You go girl! Can your mother borrow it once in a while? Pretty please!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Way to go Alexis!! I'll bet she will appreciate it a lot more because she spent her hard earned money for it. Way to go Mom and Dad!!