An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Oh that's right~ we are a home schooling family. Nearly two months after Trent's death we are realizing that those school books probably won't get finished by the end of May this year. At this point we are just functioning and living and waiting for our brains to start thinking clearly again. We tried a few days of our full school schedule and found we just weren't ready for it yet, so instead we have spent much time snuggling in the recliner reading Bible stories with the little ones, counting chicken eggs, and just plain old enjoying each other and the time together.
For years my theory with home school has been that my children's spiritual state and character growth are far more important than academic success, and that has never been proved more true than on February 18, 2011. Not to say that I don't encourage my children to excel in reading, writing and arithmetic to the best of their God given abilities, but knowing where they are spiritually holds a much higher importance in our home. Living for and knowing God is far more important than conjunctions and algebraic equations when compared with eternity.
So in case the state of Wisconsin knocks on my door and asks for our school schedule the past two months it will be recorded as working our way through a unit study on grief, reading about heaven, counting down the days until Jesus returns, and a geography lesson traveling through the midwest to spread our son's ashes. Maybe next year we'll finish all those curriculum books by May.


Kayla Worden said...

Good For YOU!!!! I have always said the same thing, and we have NEVER gone through what you have. Your kids are going to be so blessed to just be able to spend time together as a family grieving and doing what everyone needs. Everyday is a learning experience, and it has taken me years to get to this point to just say, it really is okay NOT to finish the books!

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