Paul said earlier in verses 7-8: But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Rubbish~ all these worldly, temporary things that I chase after. Longing to know Christ through the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings? What foreign concepts to a world where we chase pleasure and our greatest joy is finding something on sale at Walmart. Do we understand even a glimpse of our God, Christian brother and sister? What in the world was Paul talking about?
Consider how it makes us look for a way to make everything make sense. Consider that God only disciplines His children. Consider that God is sovereign. Consider that this world is fallen and is ruled by the enemy and is the deciding factor of the eternal, where all things will be made right. Consider that all these things will be thrown away as rubbish. Consider that all things suffered here will receive rich rewards from the King of the Kingdom. Consider that we really do only know Christ better through suffering because it forces us to let go of our own ideas and plans and consider His and which one is better. When life goes as the commercials promise and it is all about us and what we want we don't think twice about God. We are so lulled by the comforts here that we forget about eternity. When you have just seen eternity a little closer to home you tend to live with eternity close to your heart. Today I will ponder a bit more the longing to know Christ through the sweet fellowship of sharing in his sufferings. One day I will sit at the feet of the One who suffered and He will explain it to me fully.
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