Okay Girlfriends~ A little confession time. I don't want to do school! I don't want to do school! I don't want to do school! And the worst part about this confession is that I am the teacher! It's that time of year again to get homeschool under way. Usually I look forward to this time of year and getting everybody back into a schedule and actually doing their chore lists and enriching their young brains plus the regular teeth brushings, but for some reason it just snuck up too quick on me this year. Hmmmm.... what is all this talk about unschooling anyway??! I'm kidding Mom! :))
The public school raised side of me still insists on daily sit down time for reading, writing and arithmetic times 5. Besides all those piano scales, times 5. I have by no means felt a calling to do anything different as far as the education of our children goes, but my own lazy self would rather be out doing the umpteen projects that need to get done around here than learn the communicative and symmetric rules of algebra or learning about indefinite pronouns or interrogative adjectives. I just can't recall the last time I actually used those things on a goat farm here in the middle of Wisconsin. Okay, okay, okay.... whine, whine, whine.
For the good of these little dumplings and society as a whole we are plugging away and have delved both feet first into our school schedule again. We have a range of kindergarten to high school this year. Anybody who wants to volunteer to listen to children reading are more than welcome at our house! There is nothing like repetition and lots and lots of good books. Over and over again!
An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
But I Don't Want to do School!
Monday, September 27, 2010
What a Guy!
And the fact that he was able to make the roof look decent even tho it wasn't exactly square was an extra bonus. One window is nearly in and one peak end is close to sided. With the prediction of the sun shining for the next week I really, really hope to get it done so I can move on to the next project. Winter's coming way too fast with one too many projects still to get done around here.
Wild Child
So nearly every day, several times a day, Grace bridles up Sassy and leads her to a big rock in the middle of the pasture.
Then she hops on quick.
And they race back to the barn. First it was at a trot, then faster to a canter and a gallop, and now it has even involved jumping over logs and water. You go Cowgirl!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Shriner's and Crooked Feet and 7 Years of History

Monday, September 20, 2010
The Coop
So we now have 3 walls and the start of a roof which passed Rob's inspection.

Hopefully this one won't blow off.
This has been our blessing project for Rob. Considering the things he has left on his list before the snow flies, the kids and I are determined to build the coop ourselves to relieve him a little. So far we haven't had to bug him too much to help. And his part in this whole project? To move this beast of a coop over about 10 feet where the cement pile is still sitting. Can he do it? Well, I really hope so.
Well, We Finally Did It
After talking about Farmer's Markets all summer long Cole and I finally decided to try selling at one. The biggest excuse we had was that the garden barely produced anything due to all the rain, then the chickens were free ranging so we didn't have eggs to sell either, and we made a new batch of soap in the middle of summer that had to cure, then football started and we were gone on Farmer's Market evenings. No more excuses. Cole's one single pumpkin from his grande money making scheme this spring turned orange so we set off to do what we had only been talking about doing all summer long. Other than the pumpkin we also put together a basket of cute little pumpkins and white gourds, along with some sewing and hollyhock seeds, and of course goats milk soap.
Then we made up a couple of pans of cinnamon rolls. Yummy! 
Unfortunately the lady who always brings baking had cinnamon rolls and fresh baked bread, too. We didn't sell a single one and had to bring them all home and eat them ourselves. Cole sold his pumpkin to one of the other vendors in the first few minutes we were set up so he was thrilled! There only a handful of cars the whole afternoon in our little community, and everybody was looking for tomatoes which nobody had. After selling a package of hollyhock seeds and then buying a little jar of honey I was in the hole $1.25 for my efforts. I did get to give away several soap samples, tho.
And even tho I didn't sell any soap I did let Cole make a great trade for a couple of bars~

for 2 silkie roosters. All in all we were glad we tried the Farmer's Market if for no other reason than just because we said we were going to do it. The best part of the day was seeing that smile on Cole's face when he got his roosters~ and eating all those cinnamon rolls.Ponderings
The other thing I have been pondering a lot is the word of God itself. Primarily the reason that professing Christians are straying from it. Why it is losing it's place and value even in the church, but primarily in the believers life? Psalm 119 was such a sweet reminder to me this morning of God's word and the value God himself puts on it. Why is the word not more highly valued in our lives? Why is it that we think we can twist it? Why is it that we think we have the right to choose how to discern it and what to obey in it? When did we cross over into thinking that somehow we stand above it, rather than humbly coming below it in honor of what God has to say? Why do professing Christians not bother to even read it? I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes. It is time for you to act, O Lord; your law is being broken. Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path. Psalm 119:125-128
And I loved this quote from Corrie ten Boom's book "Tramp for the Lord": "When the Bible interferes with man's theology it always causes a strain." And what is it that is so important in the Bible? It is the revealing of a just God, the creator of the universe and all that is in it, who will one day call all of us to account according to His standards. But the story doesn't end there. For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice to cover the sins that we can never atone for. We were by nature objects of God's wrath, but because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions- it is by grace you are saved, through faith. He has done it all. He promises.
Movin' On Up
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