An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Not So Little Boys

I realized the other day that we are almost past the little boy stage at our house. These poor last children of big families; they are destined to be the babies forever. My baby sister was over for Thanksgiving last week~ yes, she's thirty-something and her baby is older than my baby . . .

I love the little/big boy stage; the age of innocence and joy in simple things. Their out of diapers yet not quite to the ornery stage yet, and the Dollar Store still thrills as well as the simple joy of sitting next to Mom at movie night. "I'm just comfortable with you, Mom" is going to ring like sweet music to my ears for quite some time. And this morning, after venturing down the stairs still in his PJ's, "Well, nice to see you Mom!"

And his latest, which none of us can convince him otherwise, is the fact that he has been chosen to become the next Power Ranger. So stay tuned, maybe he knows something we don't.