For not really knowing just what I am getting myself into, it turns out I have created a soap business. One thing I know is that I love goats milk soap. The whole soap making process intrigues me. There is unlimited use for the imagination and all those yummy scents to try out. Then you get the final product of that wonderful soap that leaves your hands and elbows looking and feeling better than they have for years since abusing them with all this farm work. Luckily I have a husband who humours my every whim and lets me play around with all these things, plus he's my biggest sales man, a department I am lacking in. It just so turned out that all those soap samples we have given away to every neighbor and their brother must be about used up because just in the past three days we have had three requests to buy soap. Yippee!

It first of all made me do the happy dance, then I realized I am almost out of soap so we invested some more in Walmart stock and loaded up on oils. Yesterday Cole helped me make five new molds for the soap logs, then Alexis and Cole helped me make five batches of soap. Rose, Lilac/Vanilla, Cucumber/Melon, Sandalwood Vanilla, and another Flower Power. I am excited to cut into them today and see how they turned out. Another thing we needed was a fancy spancy label. I have been playing around with labels for months now and just couldn't find one I really liked. Then I came up with this one. Very simple. I like it with the little bow tie:) And for more soap news, I took another plunge and signed up to teach two soap making classes through Community Ed in November. We shall see what God does with it all! For now I'm just enjoying the ride.
Good job ! I like the simple look of the packaging : ) Wishing you well on the venture.
Blessings from Hickery Holler
They look great! Fun to hear that your work is being blessed. Hard to think of it as work when you enjoy it so.
This is so neat! Your soap is WONDERFUL. I do think I am noticing a difference in the softness of my skin! I'll look forward to trying it this winter when my hands get really dry!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I would buy your soap on the cool packaging alone!! I don't see it as simple....just perfect!!!
Your soap is wonderful and is making my dry skin heal!! It is very soothing and moisturizing. I can't say enough good about it honey!!! Keep up the good work!!
Go ahead and sign me up for a class! I just found out yesterday that Red Hill general Store near me carries Lye, just got it in yesterday!!!
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