Three weeks working away from home has had me just itching to get another project going around here. While doing chores this morning I got the crazy idea to start on the patio in the flower garden. Slowly but surely we are creating a little flower garden and pathway behind the granary. Last fall I built up a little patio area and have been pondering just how to finish it off. At the time being it has been pretty much neglected back there because the pathway that I priced out came in at over $600 even to do it ourselves. Once I realized I could barely lift a sack of quick-crete, let alone imagine that I could mix up $600 worth of bags of quick-crete, I quickly scratched that idea. Then the thought of using some of the old cement pieces that we tore out of the barn lot in the tear down project came to me. Hmmmm.......

Good thing Trent knows how to start the skidsteer and hook up the bucket. How do 12 year old boys just know how to do all these things?

I found a few more helpers to pull some weeds.

Then when they all mysteriously disappeared I had to drive the skidsteer all by myself and finish loading and hauling the rest of the pieces.

Oooooohhh! I am liking it! And if it wasn't for having to run into town for football practice and a library trip I could have actually finished this project before Rob got home and caught me using his level.

Ya know~ I am dreaming up a few more places for a cement patio now that I think about it.
Love it Love it Love it!!!!! Can I borrow you for about 2 months? Please???? I don't know how you do it!!! I am very very very impressed!
OOOOooo I am so impressed! Lol at the 12 yr old knowing how to start the equipment.. I think its a Man gene!Lol
Rob was actually talking (threatening??) about sending me down there for a while Becky! We have some airline miles that need to get used up, but then he started talking about the Bahamas~ it's gonna be a tough choice!
It has to be a man gene, Tonia, because I sure don't understand anything mechanical! He impressed me too!
What? You would forgo a trip to see me for the Bahamas? Unh uh! I am going with you to the Bahamas! You can teach me to do all those crafty things while we are lying in the sand or on a float in the blue waters!!
It's a man gene for sure!
I am always so impressed with your resourcefulness in recycling things. Plus it has the benefit of making things look so uniquely GREAT!
I'll tell Rob you're coming with Becky, you can sit right between me and Grandma and all the kiddos. Poor Rob~ what will he do with all these women on his dream vacation??! We can build a grand sand castle and work on our WI/VA tans:))) At least we can dream about it all~ right??!
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