In theory it makes sense to stake out the goats so that they can eat all of the grass and weeds in the areas that are not fenced off. And, being their home is currently under construction and they do not have any access to pasture since I cut them off from going out with the steers and horses after they escaped for the umpteenth time, it is the next logical thing to do rather than pay for hay all summer again.

But any of you goat ladies out there know what the reality of it really is. It means chasing these little normally tame and cuddly critters over 40 some acres several times a day. Rather than calmly staying tied up and eating their full they plot and scheme until they have masterminded a way for every single one of them, or at least all but one of them so the appointed one can stand there and cry until somebody finally comes out to see what in the world could be wrong now and why is there only one cotton-pickin' goat tied up, to get loose and run around and eat where they are not supposed to eat. Like the grapes.

Or the oat field.

If the name wasn't already taken I would change our farm name to
Galloping Goats Farm , or better yet, Galloping Mom farm, or Get that Goat Farm. Dreaming of all those spots to come makes it worth every single time I have to chase them. And the way we're going again this reconstruction year those spotted babies are going to come sooner rather than later. Oh for the love of goats.

Thanks for the link!
In my booth, people always ask me if goats really do gallop-I tell them, "yes, if there is food involved."
Oh boy! I don't know if I should say it, but you're really making me appreciate my husbands decision to not do the goat thing right now! LOL!
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