Remember~ we're living the dream, baby, we're living the dream! But sometimes the dream includes blood, sweat and tears and big burn piles. And what a happy day it was to finally see those burn piles get started. Believe it or not, just a few short weeks ago there were burning bans going on for several weeks due to a lack of rain (after days and days of rain besides the 3" we got yesterday it is hard to believe why we prayed for all of this) which meant we could not burn our big piles left over from tearing down the calf shed and barn.

Alot of the wood was salvageable, but there was also alot that went onto the burn pile. Cole was eager to help. Big piles of lumber and fires are right up his alley. Besides, he is a workaholic~ I haven't quite figured out where he gets that from yet.

My view of the world is slowly looking better up here on the farm.
Boys do love to an excuse to play with fire.
I'm sure it feels good to take the next step in your plans for the farm.
Hang in there. We bought our farm 13 years ago. It was an old dairy farm with a burned out old farm house and a burned out old barn and several remnants of sheds and fences. It has been a long and sweaty battle but it does eventually get better.
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