I have been pondering soap again and perusing the world wide web for some ideas and ways to make a better product. Ever since making my first batch of goats milk soap last fall I am definitely hooked on not using any other kind of soap. My hands are thanking me, too. As much as I liked the lard based soap I really wanted to experiment with some oils and different scents to make a better bar of soap. The lard based soap has not aged well, as it forms a crystal over the whole bar during drying that is easily washed off, but not eye appealing. I used Borax for better cleaning and sudsing so I am guessing that is what is causing the crystals to form. So in my perusing I found this great soap calculator to play around with different oils. My first batch is so far mostly a success, and in 3 weeks when it has cured will really determine if the recipe is a keeper or not. At that time, if I still like it, I will do a little giveaway to get your opinion, too, lucky readers. 
Being my mind has been on soap for a few months I have been noticing soap everywhere I go, and seeing some bars with flowers mixed in I knew I wanted to try some. I simply added some potpourri to a plain mold and the results are beautiful! 
The honey oatmeal was also a success last time, so I made another oatmeal bar but this time with some hot apple pie scent and cinnamon. The colors are pretty, but so far the scent isn't too strong. Another great exfoliate for these farm girl hands.
I love standing back and looking at my creations:)) Beautiful if I do say so myself! The hopes are to have a stock for our home and maybe try some local farmers markets later this summer and try to sell some. We'll see how it all goes, for now I am having fun indulging in my little science experiments.
Those look wonderful!
Ok I have been dying to try my hand at some goats milk soap. I so so so wish I were closer so I could come over and get a tutorial. Can you direct me to some websites that are helpful to you. I want to make some very soon. I would love to try the different sents and such. The cute little frog molds and stuff what do you use? Can you use silicone molds? Help me please :)
Here are a few sights that helped me on my venture into soap making Amy~
I like your blog and I love making soap too! There is just so much you can do with it. This year I am going all organic and making my own organic soap colour. I have so much growing here on the farm to make colour from.
I find that the addition of real flowers or leaves, herbs, etc puts hard scratchy things in the soap.
Hope it turnes out well!
Its all fun!
I get my basic oil supplies from shawneesoapmaker.com except I buy olive oil from Target. And my all time favorite (library) book on the subject is The Soapmakers Companion by Susan Miller Cavitch. You work looks great Terri :)
WoW they look amazing! Are you planning on selling any?
Thanks cmarie, I will have to check out that sight. Did you see the link Amy?
That Crazy Family, yes, I do hope to sell some at farmers markets this summer, and once I am happy with my soap recipe maybe I will venture into the world wide web, either that or we will be stocked here with soap for years to come:)))
Nice to meet you Sheryl! I wondered if that would be the case with the flowers, but they look so pretty. Thanks Cathy, you are always so sweet to me:))
If you wind up to overstocked, just send some my way! Our last bit ran out and I would be happy to do a review for you ;) All just to help you, of course! LOL
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