An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All of a Sudden

All of a sudden our efforts and patience over the past few months have paid off. I'm not sure just why or when it happened but Nika has decided to start trusting us. Back in May when she came home from the auction barn we had to chase her and Root Beer around the pasture for over an hour just to trap them in the barn so we could get close to them. Right away Root Beer was friendly and enjoyed being pet, but Nika has tried her hardest to avoid us all summer long. Once she is caught she is fine, but for some reason she wouldn't let us close. I resorted to leaving a halter on both young horses all summer long. To begin with we also attached a lead rope to the halters on both horses as well until we could easily catch them. It wasn't very long until we removed Root Beer's lead rope, but Nika had to drag hers around most of the summer and we still had to work hard to catch her.

Lot's of loving, and petting, and walks and she has slowly come to trust us.

Now she even watches for me and walks up to see me if I am working in the barn. I can even pet her face and between her eyes which has been her most dreaded spot.

I think I may have even created a pest!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

That is such a deep feeling of awe when a frightened horse gives her trust to you. You did a great job with her.

I miss my horses.