Farm life continues even if we aren't quite ready for it to. I have said several times, tho, in the past week that God certainly knows me to have taken Trent just before I have 4 does ready to kid. If I wasn't busy I would most certainly be curled up on the couch in a fetal position. Having critters to take care of at least makes me get outside and the joy of new life is an extra special blessing at this time. It is also bitter-sweet because Trent was always the one who loved to help with birthing and I can't help missing him more.
This morning we were very surprised to find the newest addition to the farm~ Susan's little doe who Grace suggested that we name Esther. Susan was due on Wednesday but was not showing any serious signs that she was going to kid very soon. Last night Rob did chores and checked on her and all was well. This morning Micah was so excited to check and see if she had a baby that he ran down to the barn to check on her and said no baby, but she sure looked skinnier. If I had been in any other frame of mind I would have already been down there 3 times in the middle of the night, but instead took a 6 year olds word for it that there was nothing to worry about. So.... by the time I got out to do chores late this morning there was Susan with a beautiful little dry doe laying beside her. I scooped her up and ran up to the house to show everybody.
At first I thought she was all white/tan like Susan, but Rob pointed out the spot on her side. 
Last Saturday Lucille gave birth to a buckling right on her due date.
It was bitterly cold out so on my 6:00 a.m. check I brought her up to the basement as she had lost her ligaments(our basement is just a small old house basement where the wood stove is and has seen goat births before) and went back to bed. A big bunch of guys came out to bless us and finish up some barn work and had just finished lunch when we heard her crying. I ran down to the basement to find a little nose and two front feet already starting to be delivered. Cole happened to come down and got to watch the rest of the delivery. Moments after the whole basement was filled with kids as we all anxiously waited and hoped that she would have another kid. But just one handsome little buckling was all she had.
He was named Samson because of how strong he was so quick after birth. He has not lacked for love and attention.
The chicks got moved out of the basement to the heated chicken coop. Their feathers are growing in and they are starting to look like chickens rather than fuzzy little chicks.
Cole's little silkie's look so tiny compared to the big silkies. Even compared to the light brahma chicks they are only half the size.
Trouble has sure grown! Your babies are pretty. I'm glad their deliveries went well. The farm animals have a way of keeping us going even when we really don't want to move. I'm glad they've given you smiles. :D
Trouble is so cute! Baby goats always bring a smile. Animasl are a blessing I feel because they keep us going. Have a good day Rebekah
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