It was almost a Christmas without a Christmas tree this year. Since we moved to the farm we happened upon a fun little tradition that we may never be able to escape from. One thing that our land has plenty of is pine trees. The farm had sat for nearly twenty years before we bought it with no farm work being done~ lots and lots of pine trees sprang up in that time. The tradition to cut our own Christmas tree started the first year we moved here when the kids and I took the new goats out for a walk and thought it would be fun to cut our own tree. The trees are the classic Charlie Brown Christmas trees, but it's the memories that count.

We have had various modes of transportation to get the trees home. One year we used the snowmobile to pull several kids and a tree behind. There was a lot of laughing that year! Last year we enjoyed using the horses to haul it up
(check it out here). This year there has been one thing after another (snowstorms, busyness in general, work) that has gotten in the way of getting out with Rob to cut down a tree. Finally the other night the kids and I headed out back in the dark in the search of the perfect tree. There were tall trees.

And short trees.

Last year Rob had to cut off several feet of the top of the tree just to get it in the door so we went with a little bit smaller tree this year.

Of course in the dark it looked a little better than when we got it into the living room.

We hauled out the decorations anyway and tried to spruce it up a bit. All the while laughing at the goofy looking thing!
Even the dog was embarrassed for us.

Martha Stewart I am not!

I think next year we are adding a Christmas tree plot to The List.
It's not the look of the tree that's important. You had a great family time doing something together and making a family tradition. It's a beautiful tree!
The puppy in that last photo is absolutely adorable!
Merry Christmas Terri!! I think all CHRISTmas trees are beautiful!!! Love the puppy pics...too cute, good luck getting him to the barn:))
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