If I am anything I am indecisive, other than the times that I am totally spontaneous, or contradictory. Especially when it comes to parting with my hard earned cash I want to make sure I get my moneys worth. So {here she goes again with the camera saga} that's why I waited for several months, all the while enduring my little broken camera, before spending money on a fancy new camera. But girls, I have to tell you, I am not impressed. I so, so, so wanted to be impressed with my Nikon L110 Coolpix Walmart special camera, but I think officially I am not. Over the last 6 days since I bought it I have taken at least 1000 (yes, you read the zero's right) pictures and have kept maybe a third of them, and even of those I am not thrilled.

Now I have given the camera the benefit of the doubt that it is probably a bit of the users fault as there are so many new buttons to play with. There have also been some tough shooting situations like inside shots, fluorescent lighting situations, snow storms, etc., but still, a couple out of 1000 should have been "wow" pics.

There were a couple of nice barn critter pictures, but again, 2 acceptable pictures out of a couple hundred in the same spot is pretty frustrating.

Trent has had a lot more luck than I have. He has a bit of a knack for getting good shots anyway. He snapped this inside picture of me (bright, a bit fuzzy, but the best of the batch and look at those long bangs Hannah:).

But then as soon as I started feeding the pup these are the best he could get.

All the fuzzy little angels at the Christmas program.

And a fuzzy shepherd. Again, I tried several different settings.

Same building, different lighting, and different exposure compensation. I was happy with the results of these few pics of the choir mostly of people I didn't know, but would have been happier if I could have gotten one to turn out like this of Lexi playing the piano in the same setting before the choir played.

And back home~ the same fuzzy pictures of my messy kitchen and grumpy children. She must have been the elected dish dawg.

I think that windows open now that I look closer. After I shut that I have to decide if I am going to spend more money at Walmart to upgrade yet again, or if I want to save my money and just buy a cheap little camera until I decide. Good thing Walmart has that 30 day return policy. Will the camera saga never end?? What camera do you have readers?? Something between the $0-$400 range is where I am looking right now (with the $400 end giving me shaking fits because I really want an island countertop one day too). Easy to use, with options for tweaking if desired, and a great zoom are on the top of the list of wants.
If I might make a suggestion! I own not one but 2 Kodak Easy Share cameras. Go look at the pics on my blog as they were all taken with them. One is the small cheaper version. This one goes to school, with kids and to camp etc. If it is lost or damaged it was cheaper and I can live with that. The larger has greater zoom capability, and extremely user friendly. I do not intend to become a pro photographer and for taking family pics and blog pics it is great. My daughter has won several photo contests with photos from both! And better yet they are both within your price range.
My oldest daughter has the very expensive Canon Rebel XSI but I have a Kodak that I have enjoyed. Now I have bought my middle daughter the small pocket size Canon 1300 something something for Christmas because it had great reviews. Good luck on your hunt. I would just google reviews on cameras.
"If I am anything I am indecisive, other than the times that I am totally spontaneous, or contradictory."
This is just one more thing we have in common.....and Duane would be quick to confirm it too! LOL! Are we sure we're not sisters?
I'm so sorry that you're not happy with your camera. I wish I could offer suggestions, but I'm afraid I'd be no help with this one =(
O wow... I love the snow and wish you could send some our way :) Sorry I don't have advice about cameras.... just wanted to envy your snow. The kids look so adorable in their play :)
Over all these year shooting digital, my thoughts are......hmmm......maybe a lesson......over coffee?
Yes Maddie..... coffee..... that will solve it all! Then maybe we can head over to Stuffmart:))
Thanks for the advice ladies~ I was wanting another little camera for the very same reasons Mrs. Canned Quilter.
We do have enough snow to share Jeannette!
I always knew I must be a triplet Cathy!! You can ride with to Walmart too if you want:))))
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