Just more goat pictures . . . 'cause their so cute! Years of selective breeding, culling, and dreaming have finally resulted in a basement full of beautiful spotted goat kids, although that dream still includes a finished barn so that they can be in the barn instead of the basement next year.

This is exactly what our goat dreams looked like all these years.

Dixie is the one-teated, older doe from a previous post, who had the triplets. Poor momma! She will forever be feeding! Two bucks, and one little doe: Ele May, Eli, and Levi.

Asha is the proud momma of the spotted bucklings. I had asked God for one beautiful buck from Asha to keep for breeding back this fall to the other does (due to her unbeliavably beautiful udder~ a goat milkers dream), and He gave me two gorgeous boys. One will be available for sale if anybody is interested in a handsome boy (now, later? I haven't decided yet): Barnabas and Boaz, after a dear friend.

I downloaded some birthing videos for those who are interested on Youtube, click
GORGEOUS. Simply gorgeous. Dixie looks so proud of herself.
I'm still smiling, giggling, laughing. There is nothing like having goat kids delivered on your farm. And I love, love, love the names. :~) *wink wink*
Congratulations! Your spots are SO pretty! Are these babies out of the little buck you got from my farm? Is it Jacob?
fun stuff! Great job camera kids! Love the spots...by the way love your accent:)
Your spotted babies are beautiful!!
OOoooooo Pretty babies!
Oh wow Miss Terri, they're SO PRETTY!! I L-O-V-E their spots!! =)
I just want to touch that soft baby fur. Dixie does look proud and happy! =)
I thought you'd like the names Sherry:))
Nope, these are babies out of Cadillac, Brenda, but Jacob's babies are due in March-April. I am excited to see them!
Accent??! Accent??! Everybody around here talks like that:)) I was pretty impressed, too, with their filming!
Thanks ladies! I am tickled pink with all these spots!
Come on over Paige, and bring your Mom and the family with!
This makes me miss my goats. I was finally getting more spots than not when I quit farming.
Absolutely gorgeous! Breath taking for this sister goat addict! I'm so thankful the Lord has blessed you. Proverbs 27 baby!!
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