Since our incubator incident from a few weeks ago resulted in only one hatched chick, which didn't survive twenty-four hours, Cole and I shifted gears on the chicken farming and called the people who know how to hatch out chicks: we ordered 100 pullets from
Sunnyside Hatchery. Just a quick shout out for Sunnyside Hatchery~ these chicks came to us so healthy and strong, Sunnyside's prices are fabulous with no shipping charges, plus they have very friendly customer service~ so, if you need chicks this spring give them a call.

For several years now we have raised chicks for resale to the nice people who search Craigslist. These peepers will live their happy little lives in our basement for the next 4-6 weeks until they are well started and ready for new homes. In return, our chickens will have their feed bill paid for a few more months and we will continue enjoying all those farm fresh eggs.
Now that's a box full of peepers! I'm glad they are all safe and healthy. Your chicken farming idea is a pretty good way to pay for your egg needs.
Yay!! Babies! Josh and and I are planning our order for in a couple of weeks! Can't wait!
Cute...I LOVE soft baby chicks!
Love baby chicks...x 100~!
They are ADORABLE!
Like fluffy little checkers on a checkerboard.
Everyday you are in my thought this month of Feb Terri. Everyday.
Well, I won't be mentioning the chick checkers to the kids any time soon Donna . . . excuse me, I haven't to go find a kleenex now and wipe the tears:))
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