My chicken's have their own covered porch. I keep telling them to watch out because one day I may just kick them out and move into their chicken coop myself.
boys and I built the
coop last fall out of
salvaged barn lumber as a blessing to Rob to ease his work load around here. With Cole having his own Silkie chickens, it appears we may have to start another one this fall.

There are one too many roosters in the batch that needed to go to a new home a couple of month's ago.

Once again we are getting farm fresh eggs after waiting six long months for the Light Brahma chicks that we bought this spring to start laying. They are mostly free ranged, but stick around the coop and {we hope} are laying all of their eggs in the nesting boxes.

This bitty has decided to go broody. I told her it was too late in the season to have little chicks, but my soft mothers heart has decided just to leave her alone and run a heat lamp if I have to in a few weeks when it gets really cold outside.

There's nothing like farm fresh eggs from happy chickens.
Nice post. Your chickens' coop looks like a place I would move into. Very nice.
That has to be the cutest chicken coop ever!!!!!!!! I still need to paint mine. It was an old little wash house.........I can't decide what color...........like your white.
I love coming to your blog. It is hard reading your suffering, but it reminds me of a time that I experienced the same thoughts that you have. I told God to never let me forget........so I could always love others that hurt. I never thought I would see light.........I can't even remember when it changed.........love you sweet friend, but not as much as the Father does.........and He does! He is close!
Love from my farm to your farm, Linda
You simply have to get the vote for the cutest coop in the Midwest. And how ironic...one of our Buff O's went broody today. Russ slipped extra eggs under her to make it worth her while. I, too, hope the weather stays warm(ish) for the newly hatched chicks when they make their debut.
I agree, that is the cutest chicken coop I have ever seen! The best part is YOU guys made it from salvaged and scratch. Now that is homesteading!! Blessing from Ringle
I love our little coop, too:)) Especially because the boys and I built it with our own hands, and because the roof hasn't blown off yet:)) I guess it's my "Farmstead Opus"!
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