An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.

Friday, September 30, 2011

What Homeschool Looks Like At Our Place

This is what home school looks like in our house. Four kids, doing four different things, all at the same time. One doing math, one playing piano, one sorting letters, and one reading out loud to Mom while snuggling on the couch. We have an official "classroom", but it never fails that we do school at the dining room table.

This year I am teaching first grade through tenth grade. We have kept a lot of our same curriculum: Bob Jones reading and science, Saxon math, Spelling Power, the Bible, and lots of good books. We have fallen into a nice routine where the older kids get up and get right to work on their school work after quiet Bible time in the morning, and then I help them out as needed, which leaves us the afternoon to enjoy other projects.

Although Alexis is really the only one serious about piano and takes "real" lessons, the other kiddos are forced to daily plunking.

It only took me ten years of home schooling, but I finally came up with the great idea to buy a plastic tote for each child to keep their school books, pencils, etc., in. Two weeks into our year and it has already solved our problems of the mysterious missing workbook and pencil dilemma.


Anne said...

I LOVE the first picture of Micah! I'm still waiting to be able to get a serious start on our school year. Ugh.


Brenda said...

I love that relaxed learning atmosphere! I was at Tonia's house this afternoon and homeschooling there looks a lot it does at your house. They all agreed that curling up on the couch to do school work was MUCH better than setting at a desk in public school. :D

goatmilker said...

I can't wait till Nov to get our homeschool year started. I'm so looking foward to it this year!

Tonia said...

Funny! Watching my girls the other day I thought about doing a post on what homechool looks like at our house.. I probably will one day.. But it does look like our house! Thankfully I dont have to cover the Broad range of grades that you do. They are all basicially on the same level. I tried keeping them separate for years. But all 3 at the same works best for us! Of course they are only a year apart too.

Sherry Sutherby said...

Very fortunate children indeed. My heart goes out to children in the public school system, for several reasons, mind and body. Praise God my son and his wife will be homeschooling their children. (I also laughed upon seeing Micah's legs in that comfy pose. :) And was impressed with the posture of Alexis!