An attempt to declare the Glory of God for what He has chosen to do with our lives. A legacy to leave to my children in the telling of it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


We purchased Solomon at an auction barn a couple of years ago. I don't know where he came from, or who parted with this sweet little guy, but God certainly answered our prayers that night as I raised my card, not once but twice, and won him. He is now two years old, and still a stud (which could prove to have caused some issues with our two mares this spring).

Some girls are just destined to be cowgirls, and Grace is one of them. Today she begged for me to help her ride Solomon. Of course, after she told me she had already been on him once, I was a little less hesitant to just help her up on the back of a green bronc. So off she went and brought him up from the pasture; no halter, just a lead rope to throw around his neck. And she got on him, and he lazily walked with me over to the hay, and even refused the tootsie-roll in my pocket as a treat for the good job he did.

The thought has crossed my mind several times this summer that I really don't need a colt to train right now; but then the thought crosses my mind that there is a little girl who maybe does need a colt to train right now.

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