For those brave souls who are willing to try it on their own . . . a little tutorial on making cold process goat's milk soap . . . it's really a lot easier than you would think. For those not so brave souls who don't want to try it on their own . . . there will be another soap making class next fall, Lord willing!
Terri's Goat's Milk Soap Recipe:
This recipe makes a great, hard bar of soap with lots of lather and bubbles!
20 Ounces Lard
12 Ounces Olive Oil
8 Ounces Coconut Oil
2 Ounces Castor Oil
5.7 Ounces Lye
15.2 Ounces Goat Milk (Previously frozen, and then thawed to slushy stage)
Scents (I prefer to use 2 ounces) or Additives of Choice
*Rendered lard (your own or from the butcher) works the best for this recipe.*
Another simple soap recipe that I use for making laundry detergent (This tends to make a soft bar of hand soap, but it is great for shredding and dissolves nicely in the washing machine.):Laundry Bar:
20 ounces Canola Oil
8 ounces Coconut Oil
12 ounces Olive Oil
5.6~ounces Lye
14.4~ ounces Goat Milk (Previously frozen, and then thawed to slushy stage)
Scents (I prefer to use 2 ounces) or Additives of Choice
*Prepare your molds~ Spray plastic molds with cooking spray. Line other molds with plastic wrap.
*Measure the lye, set aside.
*Heat oils to 90 degrees in a stainless steel pan.
*Pour slushy goats milk into a stainless steel container, place in a sink with ice water. Slowly add the lye to the milk while continuously mixing with a wooden spoon. Cool to 90 degrees.
*Add the warm oil to the milk solution and mix with a stick blender (off and on) until light trace.
*At light trace add any scents, colors or exfoliates.
*Continue to mix. At trace pour into prepared molds.
*Wrap with plastic wrap, then cover the mold with a towel.
*After 24-48 hours cut the bars (wear plastic gloves as the lye can still burn your hands). Allow soap to cure 3-8 weeks before use.
Supplies needed: Stainless steel pail, stainless pan for the stove top, scale, thermometer, wooden spoon, spatula, electric wand mixer, soap mold, saran wrap or cooking spray, plastic gloves, safety glasses, newspaper, old bathroom towel, vinegar (None of the mixing items should be used for food use again).
Always wear plastic gloves, long sleeves, and eye protection when making soap.
A great website for purchasing everything soapy: Brambleberry.
I lay out newspapers at each of my work stations (next to the stove top, next to the sink, and on the island where I will set my pail to mix) for easy clean up and to catch any spills.
Once you have all of your supplies out, start by preparing your soap molds. If you are using a wooden soap mold (like I am), you will line it with saran wrap, taping it down as needed. My molds measure 15" long, by 2 3/4" high, and 3 1/2" wide inside diameter. They are the perfect size for this recipe, and you end up with 14 nice sized bars of soap.
Pour your slushie goat's milk into your pail, and set in a sink with ice water. Pre-measure your lye and set aside.
If you happen to get lye splashed on you, or even start to feel any tingling while making your soap, pour vinegar over the affected skin. Eyes would need to be rinsed out with water, and then seek immediate medical attention (but of course you're wearing your protective glasses). Don't hover over your pail! Don't ask me why . . . Turtle necks are great to wear while making soap.
Slowly, pour your lye into your slushie milk in the sink of water and ice. Your milk will start out white, but you will soon see it turning yellow. If you pour the lye too fast, it will actually burn and even curdle your milk. The slower you pour your lye, the lighter your soap will be. The quicker you pour, the darker your soap will be.
The lye is going to heat up the milk: sometimes very fast, sometimes slow, depending on how cold your milk and your sink is, and how fast you are pouring. You are trying to achieve a nice, steady increase in temperature. If the colors stay a pretty yellow it is a good indicator that you're milk is not too hot and not too cold~ orange means "too hot" and add you need to add more ice to your sink.
The mixture will start out pretty thin, but within 10-15 minutes you will begin to have a pudding consistency. This is called "trace." You are looking for a light trace so that you can add your scents or additives. When your mixture starts to get thicker, take your wand and drizzle the soap across the top of the mixture~ if it holds itself up, you are at trace.
At this point, since I am layering this batch of soap, I will pour part of my batch back into my oil pot.
Next I added cocoa to the pail (not too much, tho, I found out the hard way as you get chocolate bubbles, chocolate hands, and chocolate sinks) and mix again.
Next, I pour my light color on top.
Because I used Hazelnut Coffee scent, I sprinkled the top with coffee grounds to look pretty.
*After having some recent batches overheat, I have been experimenting with not insulating my goat's milk soap, and even popping it in the freezer, with great results. To gel or not to gel is another post for another day.*
Find a spot to let your soap cure. I have a drying rack, lined with newspaper, in an out of the way closet. Basements are too damp to allow proper curing, and warm spots will dry out your soap too quick. After 3-8 weeks your soap will be fully cured and ready to use. Soap never goes bad, and only gets better with age.
Enjoy the benefits of your very own homemade goats milk soap!

Chocolate Hazelnut Goat's Milk Soap |
Soap is great, but have you found eternal life?
Read Trent's story here.
It is only considered “the unthinkable” because our plans are not God’s plans, and our ways are not God’s ways.
Before Trent was born we had entrusted the Lord with his life and had asked Him, above all else, to bring salvation to our son. Our greatest desire was that he would be used in a mighty way for God’s glory, and that God would let him dwell in heaven for eternity.
Trent was a boy who truly lived. From the very beginning he did what he loved and enjoyed to the full the gifts and skills that God had given him. In his short life he saw much of this world, traveling as far as India, the Bahamas, Bass Pro Shop in Missouri where he explored his favorite destination on his golden birthday, as well as many family camping trips. God instilled a love of hunting and fishing in Trent, and a joy of the great outdoors. Since he was little all he wanted was to turn 12 to be able to go deer hunting. During his 12th year God allowed him to shoot two deer. Trent loved to pick on his siblings Alexis, Cole, Grace, and Micah, to protect his mother, to snuggle with his father, and to be with his friends, especially his best friends: Thomas and Samuel. He tried everything that interested him, even carving his own long bow and succeeding in taxidermy. In his short years he lived life to the fullest.
But as we are all destined to, Trent also died. On Friday, February 18, 2011, we said goodbye to our son as he left for a skiing trip with his friends, not knowing that he would never be coming back home. God says that He knows the number of our days, that He has created each one, and that He will do what He pleases (Psalm 115:3; Job14:5).
God’s standards to enter His kingdom are high: He expects perfection. Trent was not perfect, not even close. God graciously provided His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, as the atonement for our sinfulness and requires that we simply believe and acknowledge Him for it.
For most of his life Trent struggled with his own sinfulness before God. He knew that he was not right before God, and nothing he could do would ever make up for the sins he had committed to make him worthy to enter heaven. In the spring of 2010, God graciously chose to bring salvation to Trent through repentance and the saving grace of Christ Jesus. Trent’s life was transformed and we enjoyed the young fruit in his life as we watched God work.
It was with great peace and much rejoicing, then, that we as his family have sent him off before us and accepted God’s perfect plan for Trent’s life. Our longing is that God would be glorified in what He has done to wake up many to the realization that we are not guaranteed any number of years in this world (Psalm 39:4-5).
On Friday morning we had our son; on Friday afternoon he was gone.
What we have asked so many people since the accident is: “What if it had been you? Where would you be right now?”
God's mercies are new every day and His peace does surpass all understanding (Lamentations 3:22-23; Philippians 4:6-7). God has been so gracious to us by blessing us first of all with His peace in His perfect plan. The family and friends who have surrounded us and have lifted us up in prayer are amazing and another testimony to God’s goodness.
It is with great rejoicing that we release our son, Trent, age 12, to our Heavenly Father. Dance before your King, my son.
Read Trent's story here.
On Friday February 18, 2011, God did the unthinkable in our life: He chose to take our 12-year-old son, Trent, home to heaven in a skiing accident.
It is only considered “the unthinkable” because our plans are not God’s plans, and our ways are not God’s ways.
Before Trent was born we had entrusted the Lord with his life and had asked Him, above all else, to bring salvation to our son. Our greatest desire was that he would be used in a mighty way for God’s glory, and that God would let him dwell in heaven for eternity.
God answered our prayers that Friday in a mightier way than we could have imagined, and we have been rejoicing in His good works and His mercies ever since.
Trent was a boy who truly lived. From the very beginning he did what he loved and enjoyed to the full the gifts and skills that God had given him. In his short life he saw much of this world, traveling as far as India, the Bahamas, Bass Pro Shop in Missouri where he explored his favorite destination on his golden birthday, as well as many family camping trips. God instilled a love of hunting and fishing in Trent, and a joy of the great outdoors. Since he was little all he wanted was to turn 12 to be able to go deer hunting. During his 12th year God allowed him to shoot two deer. Trent loved to pick on his siblings Alexis, Cole, Grace, and Micah, to protect his mother, to snuggle with his father, and to be with his friends, especially his best friends: Thomas and Samuel. He tried everything that interested him, even carving his own long bow and succeeding in taxidermy. In his short years he lived life to the fullest.
But as we are all destined to, Trent also died. On Friday, February 18, 2011, we said goodbye to our son as he left for a skiing trip with his friends, not knowing that he would never be coming back home. God says that He knows the number of our days, that He has created each one, and that He will do what He pleases (Psalm 115:3; Job14:5).
God’s standards to enter His kingdom are high: He expects perfection. Trent was not perfect, not even close. God graciously provided His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, as the atonement for our sinfulness and requires that we simply believe and acknowledge Him for it.
For most of his life Trent struggled with his own sinfulness before God. He knew that he was not right before God, and nothing he could do would ever make up for the sins he had committed to make him worthy to enter heaven. In the spring of 2010, God graciously chose to bring salvation to Trent through repentance and the saving grace of Christ Jesus. Trent’s life was transformed and we enjoyed the young fruit in his life as we watched God work.
It was with great peace and much rejoicing, then, that we as his family have sent him off before us and accepted God’s perfect plan for Trent’s life. Our longing is that God would be glorified in what He has done to wake up many to the realization that we are not guaranteed any number of years in this world (Psalm 39:4-5).
On Friday morning we had our son; on Friday afternoon he was gone.
What we have asked so many people since the accident is: “What if it had been you? Where would you be right now?”
We diligently raised Trent up to know his sinful state and taught him what the Word of God says because we know the implications of denying Christ now, and God was gracious to answer our prayers and to save him. Scripture says that the gospel will go forth with much sorrow and heartache. Please let Trent’s short life be a wake-up call to you. We are rejoicing in the sorrow because we know where our son is and that we will one day be with him again for eternity because of our own salvation.
God's mercies are new every day and His peace does surpass all understanding (Lamentations 3:22-23; Philippians 4:6-7). God has been so gracious to us by blessing us first of all with His peace in His perfect plan. The family and friends who have surrounded us and have lifted us up in prayer are amazing and another testimony to God’s goodness.
It is with great rejoicing that we release our son, Trent, age 12, to our Heavenly Father. Dance before your King, my son.
Wow - Terri, you make this look easy. I've wanted to make goat milk soap but have been a little intimidated by the process. I'm going to give it a try. Thank you for such good easy to understand instructions!
You're so welcome, Brenda!
I forgot to mention~ any plastic container or even a saran-wrap lined box will work for a mold (just don't make the soap too thin or it will curl up as it dries.)
I'll be excited to hear how your soap turns out!
Now here you go again showing off you grand soap maker!! LOL Brenda is right you do make it look so easy! Miss Belle has already been dried off but I did manage to get some in the freezer just for this purpose. I have the lye and a bottle of scent, so no excuse now!! With your wonderful tutorial I am sure it will be easy peasy!
Thanks for sharing!
I forgot to mention how beautiful your soap is! Too pretty to use! I can smell it thru my monitor! Yumm
Hmmmm maybe...just maybe.. You do make it look fairly easy...
Excellent tutorial. Thank you for taking the time to "teach" us. ~:)
Good demo Terri. How many settings does your hand blender have? Mine has two - super fast and super crazy fast. Is that ok for soap stirring? I have only hand stirred the dozen batches I have made in 3 years. I might visit Shawnee and smell fragrances before I decide what to use - maybe the one you mention in the post. :)
I'm doing this for the first time this weekend. Did you pasteurize the milk first? My milk soap book says to pasteurize, then freeze and I wasn't sure why.
Glad to see you back in blogland, Becky!
Go for it Tonia~ it really is easy!
You're welcome Sherry:))
CMarie~ Those mixers do get crazy! Try the slower speed to start with so that you don't have soap flying all over your kitchen!
Melody~ I don't pasteurize my goat's milk. Mine goes straight from the goat, into the freezer, and then into the soap mix. Frozen goat's milk does tend to separate~ if it's too bad, just blend it a minute before using it. Slushie milk works the best to make soap (avoid large ice chunks, tho).
Bless you! I am definitely gonna try this. Have everything but the nerve : ) Hugs Mama Hooch
Thank you very much for this lovely recipe. I failed with the layering but then I am quite new to soap making. I am going to take this recipe to a local community supported agriculture project to share soap making skills with people in the upcoming summer I just thought you'd like to know, Sophie (UK)
Thanks for letting me know Sophie! It is a wonderful, easy recipe, with easy to find ingredients, that has never failed for me and gives us all soft, silky skin. Happy soapmaking!
How much soap would this make??
Using the same size mold (my molds measure 15" long, by 2 3/4" high, and 3 1/2" wide inside diameter) the recipe makes fourteen bars of soap (average 4 1/2 ounce bars). Happy soap making!
I realize this thread was started a while ago, hopefully someone can still give me an answer!
Does the hot soap not melt the saran wrap?
I Just used my wood mold for the first time last night, lining it with parchment paper, and found it's a lot of time to cut the paper to properly line the mold.
Nope, the hot soap doesn't melt the saran wrap. I've tried the parchment paper, too, and it is a hassle to cut. I do usually lightly tape the saran wrap to the mold so that it doesn't fall down while pouring the hot soap.
Happy Soap Making! Terri
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