Alexis. A girl full of energy and smiles, all the little ones fought to sit on her lap.
That wonderful sister of mine Traci was brave enough to stay with us a couple of nights. I can do anything my sister believes I can do, even a full week of tired preschoolers at VBS.
She saved the week by bringing her "We're Going on a Lion Hunt" book, and the "fast or slow?" Welcome song.
Casey, Casey, Casey! My last minute, last night, saving helper! She enjoys holding little girls' hands and singing "Fisher's of Men". She was a wave of fresh energy!
And I can't forget to mention Rob and Uncle Jim who even helped a bit with all the little squirrely ones.

Tina, Nina, and Miss Bakari at the Serengeti Animal Reserve. And somewhere hiding back in those bushes is the Blue-Cheeked-Bee-Eater, played by Trent.
Alexis put on a stellar performance as the conniving, scheming, repenting Miss Bakari as she led her group through a jungle safari. Alexis also helped with the songs, and even led them by herself on Friday. It was a joy to watch her use the gift that God has granted her.
One of the highlights of the week was going out for games with Jungle Jerry! Lots of wild, fun, crazy safari games.
And, of course, attack Bruce was enjoyed by all! We're gonna see if we can rent him out. Maybe a package deal for all the tired moms??
And, glory to God, I survived one of my worst fears (and actually enjoyed it:). I was in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies on Friday because the director was gone. The peace was from God, and it was fun to hear the kids singing and watch them do the motions to the songs.