Sorry for the silence lately friends~ I have been doing quite a bit of personal writing and guess I just wrote myself out. I find writing can be exhausting and yet so healing at the same time. Sometimes it takes more effort to sit at a computer desk and pour out your heart than to do twelve hours of physical work. I tried the physical work route yesterday and found that my brain still wasn't done processing a bunch of things ~ guess I can't run, hide, or work my way away around the pain of missing my son. Blah! I'm tired of making people cry I guess, and also wanted a break from making myself cry. I've been writing a lot about God's work in my life and thought I was cried out, but I'm not. On to something else.....
Farm life has been keeping us busy with lots of new critters and spring projects that beckon to be finished. Posts and pictures to come soon, Lord willing. Over the weekend Rob took Alexis and Grace with some friends and their youth group down to a John Piper conference in the twin cities (which was amazing I hear), but {I'm gonna cry again} it was so bittersweet because last year Trent was with, another first. But I know where he is, and the God he is with, which makes this tolerable.

I made it through Mother's Day~ thanks for the sweet thoughts and the encouragement that day all you special ladies who were thinking of me. I am not too big on dates and holidays, but it was still the first. Our tradition for the last couple of years has been to work a little more on the horse arena and this was the year that I was hoping to get the entrance sign hung that was last years mother's day gift. I didn't even have the gumption to ask, so settled instead for a nice card, hugging my children and movie night on the couch.

The sun is shining and the day beckons, along with the school lessons and crying goats. Off to see if there's one more cup of coffee first..........
I made it through Mother's Day~ thanks for the sweet thoughts and the encouragement that day all you special ladies who were thinking of me. I am not too big on dates and holidays, but it was still the first. Our tradition for the last couple of years has been to work a little more on the horse arena and this was the year that I was hoping to get the entrance sign hung that was last years mother's day gift. I didn't even have the gumption to ask, so settled instead for a nice card, hugging my children and movie night on the couch.
The sun is shining and the day beckons, along with the school lessons and crying goats. Off to see if there's one more cup of coffee first..........
Psalm 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow~ strengthen me according to your Word.
Psalm 119:175 Let me live that I may praise you!
Love the pictures. Come, Lord Jesus, Come.
Yes Lord, strengthen my sister.
Don't worry about the silence, I think we all understand! I am glad writing is some what healing for you. Me? I can't write for anything;)It takes me 5 min just to write this response;) Glad your mothers day was good. Have a great week.
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