
Saturday, October 22, 2011

All Those Goats

Goats, goats, goats! We are up to 8 Nubian does and 1 Nubian buck! Not quite sure how they multiply so fast, and of course you can't sell any of the pretty babies, or every childs favorite baby (that is until next year when some of them just have to go). Five of our older does should all be bred and due in January. I am really hoping for and counting on the barn being completed this year, and of course, I think I also forgot what twenty below feels like at two-o'clock in the morning in Wisconsin in the middle of January. What was I thinking??!! But I like bigger babies in the fall, so here we are back to January deliveries. The three younger does were just put in with the buck, Jacob, and we will hope for March babies.

Yes, that's Jacob, Brenda! Isn't he a handsome looking guy! We sold our older buck, Cadillac, after the older does were bred and have used Jacob as the sire for the younger does.

Those ears are the reason I love the Nubian breed so much!


  1. Ha-ha! So cute! Love those ears, too. Love the pics!!

  2. Wow! Jacob is beautiful! He grew up really nice. My first due dates are in the middle of December. I wasn't thinking about Christmas back in the heat of July when I put Jacob's sire, Latte, in with my Nubian does. When I told Tonia about when my kidding season would start, she asked me if my Christmas wasn't busy enough! Oh well, what's done is done. I hope you have a successful kidding season. :D

  3. you have really gorgeous nubians! Seriously good looking! Congrats my friend. You have done well building that herd.

  4. Your post brings back memories...of listening to baby monitors linked from cabin to barn. I loved falling asleep listening to the goats chew their cud. :~) And yes, the steamy cold deliveries. I recall dragging an extension cord and a hair dryer I picked up from the resale, so I could gently dry their tiny supple hooves. I love goats...I'll have to see if you have any for sale come spring. :~) They are beautiful...

  5. Beautiful Goats! Love that Black and white spotted Nubian!!My kidding starts around Nov. 19 this year and ends around Christmas sometime!Lol I was laughing about Brenda's Christmas time breeding!But Maryann last goat to come here was bred later than my girls.So it may even be January sometime. Of course I only have 5 does kdding.. not 60.. My babies born in winter always seem to be healthier. Vet says its because they get a good start before its time for parasites to try and take over in our very wet springs here. Cant wait to see pictures of yoru babies!

  6. We had Nubians too - yep, love the ears! Blessings from Ringle
