Cole's living the dream, baby, he's living the dream! Last fall we gave him some Silkie chicks for his birthday (what else do you get a chicken lovin' farm boy?). Despite several casualties and some new stock, plus the issue of having too many roosters, he has successfully raised 5 hens who started laying eggs for him a few weeks ago. Not only has he taken on the responsibility of purchasing all of their feed and taking complete care of them, but he also set up the incubator and has carefully been monitoring the heat and water and was rewarded with new chicks for his efforts. Over the last couple of weeks he has been so excited to have several little Silkies hatch out. He has standing orders for them already and can't hatch them fast enough to keep up. He is looking into the possibility of branching out into Barred Rocks, besides the hopes of raising some Light Brahmas once my young hens start laying, and then there are the White Leghorn pullets he is raising for sale later this summer. There's a reason we call him Cole the Chicken Man!
I'm SO happy for Cole! His little chick is SO CUTE!! I hope that he gets many more!
Ooooo ... His chicks are so pretty. I hope his chicken business is a great success.