Just don't smell too deeply of it because it's billy goat love. It's that time of year again~ time to open the gate and introduce the eligible bachelor. I guess goats believe in polygamy because our goats are obviously all married. For the first time in 2 years the buck has stayed in his pen until I wanted him in with the does so I would actually know when they got bred.... there's a first time for everything.
Cadillac was my Christmas present last year (I know ladies, what a great guy I married, huh?) so I have been patiently waiting for this fall so I can start dreaming about all of those spotted registered Nubian babies in the spring. The beginning of March will be a very busy time around here.
Yay, goats!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThey make me smile.
Thanks again for the awesome goat advice! We look forward to starting our grand goat experiment in the spring!
He is Beautiful! Its been Ode(r) To Love around here and I am ready for it to be over! We have heat checks coming up this week! I think everyone has settled though.. SO far it looks like it will be the middle of feb. for us...
ReplyDeleteAhh the joy!!
Well love is in the air around here too, but only from across the fence. All my does are ready today but I have a grandbaby due March 21st and I don't think I should have 4 does dropping babies on March 15th. Danny would not let me leave here to go to Atlanta when the new grandaughter arrives!!
ReplyDeleteI have no choice but to wait one more cycle. Thunder is definatley ready!! Smelling soooo good too!!